Energize Your Day
Why is a “daily energy prep” my number one homework assignment to clients?
For so many reasons! Here are a few.
It honors yourself.
It resets your energy system.
It strengthens your energetic boundaries.
It grounds, centers and balances you.
It uplifts you.
It helps align you for your day ahead.
Greet the Day!
Rising early, greeting the day and gifting myself with a “daily energy prep” have been life enhancing. I love the fact that I feel more vital, in sync with myself and able to achieve.
My clients who do my suggested daily energy prep count it as a vital part of their self-care. If they skip doing their daily energy prep they can really tell. Their days feel off and they feel ungrounded and are not as productive.
Prepare for the day by putting your energetic health first.
At the start of this article I shared the benefits that I have noticed and also heard from others who are using the Daily Energy Prep. I’m expanding below on the potential benefits that YOU might have.
You honor yourself. By prioritizing your self care, you are being kind to yourself. Your actions put into motion your values. You matter!
You reset your energy system. Regardless of health status, realigning and resetting your energy - physical, emotional, mental, relational and spiritual - supports you with a healthy and life giving energy flow.
You strengthen your energetic boundaries. By reinforcing your boundaries, it is a lot easier to maintain your own space and be aware of your own needs. This helps with relationships!
You ground, center and balance. You become more energetically grounded which supports helpful energy flow, which enhances both healing and manifesting.
You uplift yourself. When your energies are realigned, there is a sense of wellbeing. Having refreshed yourself energetically, you are more likely to feel connected to that which you call Source.
You align yourself for your day. After the prep, you can turn your thoughts to your day.
Contact me to learn more about my daily energy prep!
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