From School Teacher to
Energy Wellness Specialist & Mentor
My Philosophy
I am warm, gentle and encouraging. At the heart of everything I do is providing high quality energy work and individualized energy education. As my client, you can count on me to listen deeply and be supportive.
I was born in Iowa City, Iowa, a great university town with a very dynamic academic culture. After graduating in Education from the University of Iowa, I lived in Florida and enjoyed traveling nationally and internationally as a seminar coordinator. Later, I moved to Washington, DC and held legal administrative jobs with a non-profit and two law firms. I earned my Master’s degree in Special Education. I had a long career with the Iowa City School District teaching children of all ages.
In 2006 I developed breast cancer and underwent a lengthy course of treatment. My mom learned about Healing Touch being offered at Trinity Episcopal Church, so I began receiving energy healing sessions which helped clear me of the side effects of chemotherapy. In my healing process I met healers who shared with me how my energy system’s imbalance had contributed to my diagnosis. I learned from them what I could do to support my own energy system and I desired to share this knowledge with others. With my healers’ support, I began training as a Healing Touch Practitioner. In April 2010, I became a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and began my own practice.
I developed my own Energy Wellness Protocol for working with clients
Over the last fourteen years I have developed my own program of energy healing, education and mentoring. Today, I offer my services at a distance through Zoom or telephone.
I provide energy healing for the client’s specific concerns. My Energy Wellness protocol promotes well-being and provides the necessary knowledge and skills to maintain a healthy, grounded energy system.
I have studied extensively with Cyndi Dale, master Energy Teacher and Author
I am currently the Program Assistant for The Shift Network’s 2024-2025 Cyndi Dale Energy Healing Certification Program. I served as a teaching assistant in the year-long Cyndi Dale Energy Healing Certification Program from 2022-2023.
Since 2014 I have attended fifteen in-person seminars or online classes with Cyndi Dale. These programs are state of the art, including scientific and spiritual knowledge with an emphasis on experiential and practical uses.
Life Today
The novel I wrote for National Novel Writing Month in 2018
When I am not providing energy sessions or teaching people about their energy systems, you can find me reading and writing poetry, historical mysteries and fantasies. I wrote a novel, The Lost Art, the story of a young woman in the early 1970s solving a mystery about her grandfather. I am currently revising it for publication. In addition to editing others’ works, I enjoy creative collaborations and work with artists and other writers on various projects.
I develop my ideas on a pad of paper and then start typing
Discussing novel ideas in a cafe in Edinburgh, Scotland
I married an Englishman named Phil in 2001. He is also a poet and novelist. We love collecting art, watching mysteries together and cooking and eating international cuisine, taking long walks and doing yoga together. Whenever we can, we like to travel. We have an adult son who works in online marketing.
Loch Lomond in the Highlands with my writer husband Phil