SK Energy Wellness

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New to Energy Work - Part 3

Welcome to this new series - “New to Energy Work” - part of my Energy Wellness Journal Blog!

In the first part of “New to Energy Work” I (Sandy) introduced Janelle, who is a new client. This series is following her journey and mine, as the practitioner. In Part 1, Janelle had her first session. In Part 2, Janelle reviewed her progress for the first month of energy work sessions.

Enjoy Part 3 of the continuing journey!

Today’s article contains these sections:

Janelle’s New Experiences

Energy and Creativity

Janelle’s Fifth Energy Session

Reflections After Seven Weeks

Janelle’s New Experiences

Janelle’s Energy Work Journal Entries:

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I am looking at people differently. Trying to enhance their lives a bit, if even casually. I more deliberately try to apply my knowledge to their situations, if applicable. Here are some examples.

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Example 1:

At a gallery I was hosting, a Dad and his little girl stopped in. The Dad said the little girl was very independent and insisted on seeing the art. I said the little girl seemed very intuitive and that it was great that he was listening & honoring her at a young age. I think that he heard his little girl had something to say and he took listening more seriously. I learned that he owned a masonry company in a nearby state and that the Dad’s relatives were from a nearby town. That they wished they could move back. Then I related about another couple that had visited earlier that day that had the same type of situation and were actually doing just that – moving back into the area to find a connection and more peaceful existence. The Dad said he would have to think harder about it.

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Example 2:

The day before, one of the artists in the gallery said she felt compelled to share with a small group of fellow artists how painting made her feel and how some customers deeply and emotionally connect to her paintings. She was moved and felt the urge to share but wasn’t sure if she could – or should – speak out. She also said she was exhausted trying to explain to people her abstract art form. I suggested she create a flyer, with some of her images, including her thoughts and feelings about abstract art. I also spoke to her about my experience with energy wellness. She had some experience with energy sessions and was very keen on the subject.

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Example 3:

At a B & B, recently, the breakfast I enjoyed the next morning included two couples. The mindset between the five of us seemed to be most agreeable on various topics, including some of the world’s problems. It sometimes seems that those world problems are overwhelming and then paralysis sets in because - what can an individual possibly do to make a difference? One gentleman was discussing the small groups of people he & his wife met with, in which he felt change was affected by discussions and ‘breaking bread’. I came away thinking that the major problems of the world could be addressed on a personal level, through discussion and helping others in this manner so people don’t feel so helpless. This seemed to tie in perfectly with the artist the day before who was questioning if she could make a difference.

Energy and Creativity

Janelle: I am really excited to start  focusing my sessions on the intuitive side of painting, or even just experiencing life. I really enjoy painting when I’m not thinking so much about what I’m doing and I am able to get into the “zone.” It’s when I’m most creative and come up with different ideas. My paintings start taking on a life of their own. It feels like I’m subconsciously flowing with my ideas, with ‘aha moments’ appearing.

It’s so interesting and exciting to learn that I may be entering into a different realm when I am in that state of creativity. That would explain why people kind of get lost in their work. The time flies and I don’t realize that I’m painting - it’s pure creativity. 

Sandy: That is beautiful. And you’re right, we do go into a different brain state when we are creating. It’s very inward focused, drawing upon our subconscious. We can actually set an intention to be in a specific state. First it helps to experience in a conscious way what the different states are. Everyone uses them but we’re just not aware that we are. 

Janelle: Definitely becoming more aware of how energy is a part of my life and my creativity. In art, the energy in the finished painting can’t be replicated. It’s my ‘stamp’ on the art piece. And it’s a way that I can share and extend my energy to people that I cross paths with, even remotely, for example, in a gallery. 

Sandy: Wonderful! And as a lover of art, especially nature art, I definitely pick up on the artist’s own energy. It’s why Van Gogh has such distinctive energy. It’s his energy. Regardless of the fact that he’s no longer with us. 

Janelle: Your statement is so powerful. To realize that people can transmit energy into an object is something I’ve wondered about. Most people think of a painting as an inert, ordinary object. But it could be a vehicle to emote the artist’s energy and feelings, even for as long as it exists. 

Sandy: I am excited about all the connections you’re making between your energy and your creativity. And how by improving your energetic health, you’re opening up new avenues for your creative life.

Janelle: I’ve often felt artist blocks, more so in the past. In high school, I was always uptight and couldn’t relax. I took some art classes but I always did the comparison thing to other people. This followed me into adulthood. In public situations, such as art workshops, I’ve felt very self-conscious, which limited my creativity. 

Sandy: Has that changed over the years?

Janelle: Obviously, I had to change my thinking but it was very gradual. An example would be, once I didn’t seem to be able to paint a certain tree. It was amongst a wooded landscape, which was nearly completed. It was odd, because I painted trees all the time. However, this particular tree just didn’t look right to me. So initially of course, I thought “What’s the matter with me? Why can’t I paint a simple tree?” And finally with enough re-painting, it finally looked right. 

Sandy: How is your new knowledge about energy impacting your painting?

Janelle: Now that I’m learning about working with energy, I’m realizing that something was speaking to me during the painting process, because the tree now, to me, is reaching up to the heavens and expressing itself. It seems I was ‘fighting’ my energy, instead of listening to it. Now that I know about this energy, it gives me more confidence. I am listening more and blaming less. Combining my inner feelings and personal energy with creativity opens up a whole new world of exciting possibilities. 

Sandy: Wow, thanks for your insights about the relationship between energy and creativity!

Janelle’s Fifth Energy Session

I found it very easy to relax. As I started to drift off, I heard the wind whirling around me, outside. However, I could feel the protection and security of my “energy egg” around me. This session was less visual. I did feel energy on my right hand, especially the movement of my pointer finger. I then felt tingling on my left-hand fingertips. My cats were spatting in the background – I threw a pillow their way. One of my cats jumped on my lap twice, I got her down. Sandy indicated sometimes our pets want to join in the energy sessions.

Reflections After Seven Weeks

Dialogue between Sandy and Janelle:

Sandy: It seems like you are making a lot of connections in your day to day experiences. 

Janelle: The connections seem more meaningful now. I used to sometimes ‘wander’ but now it seems more purposeful. I feel like the connections are helpful to both parties. You have to get a conversation going and find out about people. It seems lately, things just start to click and I find commonalities with people. It wouldn't seem on the surface there was anything deeper.

Sandy: That is a helpful, healthy pattern of interaction.  

Janelle: I think people judge other people too quickly. They don’t take the time to have the conversations to see if there is a connection. Some people you know right away. They won’t even look at you. 

Sandy: Would you say that the people willing to engage are more present, more in their bodies? 

Janelle: Yes, definitely. They’re not in their own world. They are willing to share. They have a broader view of people’s potential. You have to look beyond your own world and see how other people relate to your own creativity. Perhaps those people relate in a different way though. 

Sandy: Can you think of an example?

Janelle: I recently met a woman. We spent time together in a waiting room. She had a different background. A lot of practical experience in life, working with the land and animals. But I found she also had a lot of pure creativity. It came from a source within her. Very natural. But it related to things I was doing as well. A “chance”  meeting with an unlikely start, that led to possible future collaborative creative endeavors! 

Sandy: How do you feel you are operating energetically?

Janelle: I’m expanding my horizons. I’m expanding my circle of knowledge. Now that I know we’re all connected at the molecular level, it behooves me to keep searching, to keep expanding, knowing it will be beneficial to myself and the other person.