Meeting Your Unmet Needs: A Key to Healing
We all have needs. Depending on how they have been met in the past will influence our expectation of them being met in the present.
When we were young, if any of our needs were not met, there may be a feeling of lack from the Missing Forces (e.g., Love, Nurture) not provided by our carers. There are always energetic patterns associated with our personal history—and ways to shift or heal these patterns.
In those areas where our needs were met, we may have little or no fear about getting our needs met. We may have a very relaxed, self-assured and confident approach in the world.
How our development went greatly influences today’s experience of life. Our nervous systems often can be in the fight or flight mode, preparing us to meet our survival needs.
How many of us are holding negatively charged energies because our basic needs went unmet? I suspect most people, at least in some areas of their lives, are dealing with this.
Looking at our various aspects from an energy point of view can assist with the healing needed. And it’s important to know that healing one area will send healing energies throughout the energy system. Here are some examples for each level.
Ask yourself:
Are my physical needs being met? In what ways, yes? In what ways, no? Let’s assume you are only getting a few hours of sleep a night. Your need for sleep is unmet. When needs are unmet there are consequences and so identifying the unmet need should lead to a focus for healing.
How about my emotional needs? Are you able to be really present and allow yourself to enjoy the moment, to come from the highest part of yourself, feeling a sense of well-being and even joy? Or, instead, do you find yourself dwelling on either the past or the future? A focus on the past can indicate that the energies are protruding out farther in your back chakras and associated fields and these suggest you’re feeling down. A future focus (front chakras and fields are unbalanced toward the front) can lead to feeling high levels of stress and the likelihood that you are not fully energetically grounded.
What do unmet mental needs look like? The mental layer of our being encompasses our thought life. You’ve probably noticed the self-talk in which you either are internally or externally saying supportive things or non-supportive things to or about yourself? So often, we are operating from an energetic loop, a pattern, called a Thought Form. These are inherited or developed through our life and until the non-supportive thoughts are cleared or released, are in our energy system building up negatively charged energies.
Are my relational needs being met? Are you lonely? Or around people more than you like? I have had clients whose family situations make it difficult for them to have any alone or down time. Often people, for example, caregivers, can feel angry or frustrated at their own needs going unmet.
What are my spiritual needs? Are they being met? I have new clients who report that they know they are here for something more, but they just don’t know what that is. When there is a lack of self-understanding, people often seem to drift through life without clarity of purpose. Where are you spiritually? What spiritual needs of yours are — or are not, being met?
I consider that looking at our unmet needs is a KEY to healing. And it provides a framework for us to evaluate how we are doing energetically.